We happy to say, added new network IP for our Server infrastructure to faciliated clients and customers data security and spamming. Do let us know more if you need more information about our data center. [email protected]
Wish you good day ahead. We are extremely sorry for inconvinience. We had 4 hours of Down-Time in certain region due to Google IP issue, which we have reported but not acted quickly therefor it took longer then we expect.
Please consider, we have taken necessary steps to prevent such causalities and give you great experience with ...
We are extremely sorry but due to our vendor policy, we had 2 hours mantenance window where we might miss couple of emails. We request users to send an email if they did not receive reply or ticket back of them emails.
Or they can create new request by sending an email at our support center.
We met one of the clients who was having their account on the XXXXXX.com and one day he wakes up and see that an email saying your web hosting account is cancelled and you will not be able to retrieve any data from the server. Now what you were gone think?I asked the same question to my self, and I reply, being into the Web Hosting industry you ...